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1st Waqaf Madrasah Upgrading in Nigeria

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1st Waqaf Madrasah Upgrading

Alhamdulillah, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Thank you for everyone's contributions. 

Please click the links below to view the photos of the 1st Waqaf Madrasah Upgrading:
  • Name : Madarasatul Ahbabu Rasulullah
  • Location : Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
  • Number of Students : 730
  • School Structure : 7 Classes and 2 Toilets

Upgrading Works :

  1. Plastering and painting of classrooms and exterior walls
  2. Cementing and installation of terrazzo floorings in classrooms
  3. Repairing existing roofs
  4. Installation of new ceilings in classrooms
  5. Installation of new doors and windows at classrooms and toilets
  6. Installation of new fans and lightings at classrooms
  7. Installation of new squatting toilets
  8. Purchase of new tables and chairs for students
  9. Purchase of new whiteboards in classrooms
  10. Minor repairs of other fixtures

Total cost to provide a better environment for these madrasah students to learn Islam and Al-Quran : S$15,000


Insya Allah we will accomplish this amanah with the assistance of our trusted partner in Nigeria, Isah Chikaji Foundation (ICF).


Madrasah 1
Madarasatul Ahbabu Rasulullah

Madrasah 2
Madarasatul Fadimatu Zahra'u Watahfizul Qur'an

Madrasah 3
Madarasatul Bilal Bin Aby Rabah

Madrasah 4
Madarasatul Nasihatul Islam

Madrasah 5
Ma’ahad Sheikh Muhammad Nasir Kabara Al-Islamiy

Madrasah 6

Madarasatul Nurul Huda
Will commence renovation works in May 2023

If you need any clarification, please contact us. Thank you :)